Adult Groups

We have a wide range of groups which cater to all ages. We would love to have you join us. Most of our groups meet on Saturday at 11:15 am after our intergenerational worship service which starts at 9:30 am. You may also hear these groups referred to as Sabbath School groups. To find out more information about our groups or to sign up, click here.  

Adults- Saturday at 11:15

Nicodemus Group

Our mission as a group is rediscovering faith as we discuss the sermon of the day and other relevant and current topics. Most of us have grown up in a Christian tradition but faith continually grows and sometimes has to be rediscovered just like Nicodemus' experience in the Bible.

Study of Revelation group

Our group is studying through the book of Revelation over the next few months.

Women of Faith

We join together as a community of women to connect with one another and journey through life.  We also come together to worship and study our God through an interactive study. We meet at 11:15 in the shed.

The Upper room

We study deeper into the Bible and discuss the ways that we can allow Jesus to change our lives as informed by the way that God has worked in the past. We meet at 11:15 in the church for a prelimary mission-focused worship program and we then break off into our own study group which occurs in the upstairs room in the church building.

Photocopier Room Class

We are a community which studies into the Bible together to find out more about our God and how we can live our lives with Him. We meet at 11:15 in the church for a mission-focused worship and then split into our own group in the church building.

Class 1 Group

We study the Bible together as a community to learn more about God and the way that our belief in Him impacts our lives. We meet at 11:15 in the church for a mission-focused worship program and then split into our group which meets in the church building.

Adults- During the Week (fill in the Contact Us form to find out more information or join)

Bible Study Group (Zoom)

The Wednesday night Zoom Bible study group meets every week to study together. They are currently studying John. If you would like the Zoom link to join this study, please fill in the contact us form.

Women's Bible Study

The Women's Bible study meets together every Monday morning at 10 am in the shed. They meet up to share, pray together and then study the Bible. After the Bible study the women enjoy a small morning tea.

Creative Activities

Between 9 am - 12 noon on most Tuesday morning's we have the creative activities group in the hall. There are multiple classes including ones for knitting, diamond painting, crocheting, guitar, scrapbooking, cardmaking, board games and quilting. All are welcome!

Term 2- 2 May- 20 June

Term 3- 18 July- 5 Sept

Term 4- 10 Oct- 28 Nov